Youdon Aukatsang
New Delhi : Empowering the Vision Project (ENVISION) was set up in December 2007 as a Trust to strengthen the Tibetan community through youth empowerment. The vision is to see truly self-reliant and dynamic Tibetans who can hold their own in the global world. Empowering the Vision Project offers support in promoting self-confidence and helping students discover themselves so that they are better able to make the right choices in life and thus become self-reliant and dynamic.
The goals of ENVISION are to motivate young Tibetans to excel through mentorship and leadership training, to provide career-related assistance and support career aspirations, to create wider exposure for learning through various opportunities including networking with other communities, to promote and support entrepreneurship and to promote Tibetan professionals as role models for aspiring young Tibetans. Tibet Relief Fund, UK is the core funder of ENVISION.
One key initiative is that of Building Bridges Project, which is designed to bring together young people from the Tibetan and Indian communities to foster a better understanding of cultures and develop respect, learning and sharing. Under this project, the group facilitates mentoring programme, summer camps and school exchange programmes. A Tibetan Entrepreneurship Fund has been created to help Tibetans in the age group of 25-40 who have the vision, drive and idea to set up or enlarge a business which is socially responsible, economically beneficial, culturally sensitive and environmentally friendly.
Global Tibetan Professionals Network (GTPN) is a platform where Tibetan professionals from diverse backgrounds can network with each other and find creative ways of contributing to the community. Through this network, Tibetan professionals around the world can share ideas, information and resources among themselves and with those aspiring to become like them through mentorship.
You can read more about the project here.
By Team TRC