Free Tibet, a human rights group, has filed a petition stating that China's repression of Tibet has taken a new, sinister turn. Police are now systematically taking DNA samples from Tibetans, including children as young as five. The petition claims that as many as 1.2 million Tibetans have had their DNA samples taken to build a sweeping genetic database that will add to Beijing's growing surveillance capabilities.
This database will give China unprecedented power to monitor Tibetans, violate their privacy, and persecute them. The petition accuses Thermo Fisher Scientific, a global company, of aiding and abetting this mass DNA plunder by signing a series of sales agreements with police forces in occupied Tibet to supply them with DNA kits and other technical support.
The petition asks CEO Marc Casper to end this deadly deal with China immediately. The petition urges Thermo Fisher Scientific to publicly announce an end to these agreements, which pose a dangerous new threat to Tibetans living under occupation.
The petition highlights that occupied Tibet is already one of the most repressive and closely monitored places in the world. The Chinese authorities' policy of mass DNA collection is one of the most worrying developments in recent years. This policy has seen police collect DNA samples from as many as 1.2 million Tibetans, including children as young as five.
The petition argues that there can be no justification for this policy, which is wildly disproportionate in its scale, discriminates against Tibetans, and hands the Chinese government and police unfettered power to carry out yet more human rights abuses against Tibetans.
The petition concludes that, as long as these sales continue, Thermo Fisher Scientific is choosing to assist in the monitoring and persecution of millions of Tibetans. Therefore, the petition urges Thermo Fisher Scientific to show the courage to correct this grave mistake, listen to Tibetans, and put an end to these agreements.
Sign the Petiton here.
Edited and collated by Team TRC