Global Joy Summit
Source: Global Joy Summit
The online Global Joy Summit has begun yesterday and will run till November 16, 2022. The Summit is inspired by and featuring the Dalai Lama and Archbishop Desmond Tutu (with new posthumous footage). It includes a wide range of: Leading joy scientists, contemplative educators, visionary changemakers, and artists will investigate ways to live with more hope and joy in these challenging times.
The summit investigates tools for cultivating well-being, connection, love, and compassion, the relationship between joy and sorrow (they are not opposites) Joy as a “clean fuel” to power transformative action Ubuntu, interconnection, and compassion as essential keys to healing our planet and creating a good future A special keynote with His Holiness the Dalai Lama Live interactive workshops and musical performances.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama Tweeted “Join the Global Joy Summit Nov 13-16. HHDL will be a keynote speaker and there will be screening of Mission: JOY— the documentary with HHDL and Archbishop Tutu, as well as inspiring and practical sessions with 30+ speakers”.
Mission: Joy will be shown for free during the summit. JOY is a hilarious documentary that tells the story of Archbishop Tutu and the Dalai Lama's magical friendship, practical wisdom, and their historic final in-person meeting. It also features inspiring and practical sessions with more than 30 speakers.
This is an incredible opportunity to learn from more than 30 renowned joy scientists, spiritual teachers, changemakers, and artists while being inspired by the Dalai Lama's contagious joy and timely message.
Read the complete details here.
Edited & Collated by Team TRC