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  • 29 May, 2025
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Report by Chinese Academy of Sciences Downplays Human Impact on Tibetan Plateau`s Ecology


In a move aimed at spreading misinformation and distorting the facts, the Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research under the Chinese Academy of Sciences has released a scientific assessment report claiming that human activities have had little impact on the ecological environment of the Tibetan Plateau. However, this so-called "scientific assessment report" should be viewed with skepticism as it is clearly an attempt to downplay the real environmental issues facing the region.

The report, led by academician Chen Fahu from the Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research under the Chinese Academy of Sciences, claims that the impact of farming and animal husbandry, tourism, industrial and mining development, urban construction, and major engineering projects on the plateau's ecological environment has been minimal. It even suggests that the intensity of human activities on the plateau is only 27 percent of the national average.

These claims are not only misleading but also go against the overwhelming evidence and reports from independent environmental experts. The fragile ecosystem of the Tibetan Plateau, often referred to as "the roof of the world," has been significantly impacted by human activities over the years. Deforestation, overgrazing, and unsustainable development projects have resulted in the degradation of grasslands, loss of biodiversity, and increased vulnerability to natural disasters.

The report's assertion that the impact of human activities on the plateau's ecological environment has slowed down since 2010 is highly questionable. In reality, large-scale infrastructure projects, such as dam construction and railway expansion, have continued to disrupt the region's delicate balance. These projects not only disrupt wildlife habitats but also contribute to the displacement of indigenous communities and the loss of their traditional way of life.

While the report mentions the effectiveness of local ecological protection efforts, it fails to acknowledge the significant challenges and ongoing environmental degradation that persist. Genuine concerns about the unsustainable use of natural resources and the need for comprehensive and long-term ecological protection measures are conveniently overlooked.

It is important to recognize that the release of this assessment report coincides with the 2023 Zhongguancun Forum, an event likely orchestrated by the CCP to disseminate its propaganda and control the narrative surrounding environmental issues in the region. The Chinese government has a long history of suppressing dissenting voices and manipulating information to present a rosy picture of their policies.

Instead of blindly accepting the CCP's narrative, it is crucial to seek out independent and unbiased scientific research to gain a comprehensive understanding of the environmental challenges faced by the Tibetan Plateau. True sustainable development can only be achieved through a transparent and inclusive approach that addresses the concerns of local communities and prioritizes the preservation of the region's unique ecological heritage.

The claims made in the assessment report regarding the minimal impact of human activities on the ecological environment of Tibetan Plateau are nothing more than propaganda and misinformation. The international community should remain vigilant and seek reliable sources of information to uncover the truth about the environmental challenges facing this fragile and vital ecosystem.

Edited and collated by Team TRC