Taipei: Ganjong Publication under the Office of Tibet, Taiwan, participated in the Taipei International Book Exhibition which resumed after two years of the Covid pandemic.
According to report, the exhibition held from 2 – 7 June, Representative Bawa Kelsang Gyaltsen introduced to the spectators about Beijing’s restrictions and regulations on publishing books as well as the intentions of Ganjong Publication’s issuance of books on Tibet in the Chinese language while expressing his appreciations to volunteers at the Publication for their assistance. He further extended his gratitude to Taiwan, saying, “the country is only Chinese speaking place where Chinese books on Tibet’s issue are permitted to publish”.
Representative also acquainted the spectators with displayed books about His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Tibet’s history, Tibet’s religion and culture, Tibetan education and environment, relations between Tibet and China, and the books written by Tibetans, Taiwanese and Chinese before answering the observers’ questions.
This year’s Taipei book fair was taken part by around 300 publishers, and the special exhibition displayed by Ukrainian illustrators was among the most crowded exhibition booth.
The Taipei International Book Exhibition was attended by Taiwan’s Vice President Lai Ching-te, Culture Minister Lee Yung-te and David Kibler from French Bureau Français de Taiwan as the guests of an exhibition.
(Information supplied by Tibet.net)
By Team TRC