Friends of Tibet Foundation
Mumbai : An organisation is fighting the war against COVID19 and urging people to not give up the masks; the Mask Lab & Friends of Tibet Foundation are distributing free N95 and surgical Masks to frontline workers.
#SPREADINGMASKS is one of the latest philanthropic initiatives from 'The Mask Lab,' Mumbai and 'Friends of Tibet Foundation for the Wellbeing'. These organisations have collaborated for the purpose of laying down a foundation for the wellbeing of people, especially the frontline workers of three Indian states — Karnataka, Kerala and Arunachal Pradesh in their struggle to save human lives from the onslaught of the millennium's gravest threat of a virus pandemic originated in Wuhan, China. The pandemic has continued unabated for months together torturing and annihilating millions of lives in India and all over the world.
The Mask Lab, a venture of Control Print, Mumbai produces highly protective superior quality masks backed by their 29 years of cutting-edge German technology and manufacturing expertise with access to internationally sourced materials and rigid adherence to global safety standards; quality control testing processes and automated packaging processes. Moreover, these masks are manufactured under ASTM 2000 standards in a hygienic environment and as per good manufacturing practices, processes and facilities.
Friends of Tibet Foundation, a Charitable Trust (Regn No: 126/IV/2021) is the philanthropic wing of Friends of Tibet, a non-profit organisation founded in 1999. The primary objective of the Foundation is to support the conservation and promotion of Tibet's tangible and intangible heritage including healing traditions. Friends of Tibet Foundation is also engaged in conducting research on the unique heritage, legacy and history of Tibet and publishing varied research papers with the collaboration of scholars, academicians, scientists, holistic health educationists and sociologists.
More details here.
By Team TRC