Tsering Tso, a 39-year-old Tibetan woman, was arrested in Drachen County within the Rangkyongjong Tibetan Autonomous Region on December 19, allegedly due to her online posts that were perceived as misrepresenting and criticizing the behavior of Chinese police. This detainment follows her recent history of being vocal about what she saw as unlawful detentions of Tibetan individuals by Chinese authorities.
Tsering Tso, known for using social media as a platform to voice dissent against the Chinese government’s actions, was reportedly interrogated by Chinese police regarding her online criticisms. Sources within Tibet revealed her history of activism and opposition to what she viewed as unjust detainments of Tibetans.
The Chinese authorities in Drachen County released a statement on December 25, claiming that Tsering Tso and a friend were stopped by authorities while in a vehicle on December 19. Allegedly, instead of cooperating with authorities, Tsering Tso drove away, evading questioning. Authorities further accused her of posting three videos on social media platforms, portraying the police in a negative light.
This recent detention is not the first for Tsering Tso. She was previously detained for 20 days on November 1, 2022, in Lhasa, allegedly due to her non-compliance with COVID-19 regulations, though specifics of the violation were not disclosed. Subsequently, on October 26, 2023, she was detained for 15 days for content on social media that criticized the Chinese authorities' actions or policies.
Tsering Tso's case highlights ongoing tensions between Tibetan activists and Chinese authorities regarding freedom of speech and online expression. The situation underscores concerns about the limitations imposed on individuals' rights to express dissenting opinions or criticisms of the Chinese government's actions, particularly in Tibetan regions.
The Chinese authorities have not disclosed the current status or charges against Tsering Tso following her most recent detention. This case continues to draw attention to the issue of freedom of speech and expression in the region, amid ongoing scrutiny over human rights abuses in Tibetan areas under Chinese control.
Edited and collated by Team TRC