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  • 15 May, 2025
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UN Committee Demands Answers from China on Discrimination Against Tibetan Women in Tibet



The United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) has raised concerns over the situation of Tibetan women in Tibet and has questioned China regarding the matter. The committee, responsible for monitoring the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, has taken a keen interest in the rights and well-being of Tibetan women.

In a recent session, CEDAW members directed their attention toward China's treatment of Tibetan women and sought clarification on various issues. The committee's questions primarily revolved around the status of gender equality, access to healthcare and education, political participation, and the preservation of cultural and religious rights for Tibetan women living in Tibet.

The Tibet Bureau and the Tibetan Women's Association jointly delivered a statement on the situation of Tibetan women in Tibet during a UN public briefing held on May 8, 2023. The briefing, organized as part of the 85th session of the Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CEDAW), aimed to review China's implementation of the International Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women. 

Representative Thinlay Chukki, accompanied by UN Advocacy Officer Kalden Tsomo and the President of the Tibetan Women's Association (Central) Tenzing Dolma, participated in the meeting and engaged with the members of the UN committee, providing them with an overview of the situation faced by Tibetan women under China's control in Tibet.

Tibet has been a subject of international concern due to allegations of human rights violations and discrimination against its Tibetan population. The CEDAW committee's inquiries specifically aimed to shed light on the challenges faced by Tibetan women and to assess the effectiveness of China's efforts in addressing these issues.

The committee expressed concerns about reports of gender-based violence, restricted access to healthcare and education, limited economic opportunities, and cultural assimilation faced by Tibetan women. It questioned the Chinese delegation about measures taken to combat these challenges, ensure equality, and protect the rights of Tibetan women.

China, represented by its delegation, responded by acknowledging the questions and assured the committee of its commitment to promoting gender equality and improving the situation of Tibetan women. The delegation stated that various policies and programs had been implemented to enhance women's rights and empower them in Tibetan society. They highlighted initiatives related to education, healthcare, poverty alleviation, and employment opportunities as evidence of their efforts to address the concerns raised.

The CEDAW committee will now review China's responses and analyze the information provided during the session. The committee's assessment will contribute to its final observations and recommendations, which will be shared with China to guide its future actions in promoting gender equality and safeguarding the rights of Tibetan women.

This development highlights the international community's concern for the well-being and rights of Tibetan women. The CEDAW committee's engagement signifies its commitment to holding nations accountable for their obligations under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women and ensuring that the rights of women in Tibet are respected and protected.

As the situation progresses, further discussions and actions may be taken by the United Nations and relevant stakeholders to address the challenges faced by Tibetan women and work towards a more inclusive and equitable society in Tibet.


Edited and collated by Team TRC